
Summer Energy Saving Checklist

For more helpful resources such as this and to download a full PDF version of our Summer Energy Saving Checklist, visit us at

During the summer months, when temperatures soar and energy usage spikes, it’s important to implement energy-saving practices to keep your home cool and reduce your carbon footprint. One effective tip is to adjust your thermostat settings to a higher temperature when you’re away or asleep, allowing your air conditioner to work less and consume less energy. Utilizing ceiling fans can also help circulate cool air and make you feel more comfortable without relying solely on AC. Another way to conserve energy is by minimizing the use of heat-generating appliances during the hottest parts of the day. Opt for grilling outdoors or using the microwave instead of the oven. Additionally, sealing air leaks around windows and doors, as well as using curtains or blinds to block out sunlight, can prevent warm air from entering your home. Finally, replacing traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs not only reduces heat emission but also cuts down on electricity consumption. By incorporating these summer energy-saving tips, you can keep cool while being environmentally conscious.

Here is our checklist for summer energy to-dos:

Inside Of Your Home

  • Close blinds against direct sunlight.
  • Close doors and vents in rooms you don’t use daily.
  • Close the damper in your fireplace.
  • Check the insulation levels in your attic.  If it is lower than recommended, add insulation as needed or upgrade.  This could also qualify you for a tax credit.
  • Replace all incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient ones.
  • Unplug power-hungry devices, such as TVs and computers when you aren’t using them.  Not only do they suck electricity when plugged in, but also they generate heat.
  • Wash only full loads of dishes and laundry.
  • Consider cooking with small counter top kitchen appliances on the hottest summer days to avoid using your range, which can heat up the interior of your home quickly. 
  • Invest in energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, appliances and plumbing.  Check Energy Star to get started.

Outside Of Your Home

  • Water your lawn only during dry spells and at the coolest hours of the day.  efficient energy and water usage go hand in hand.  Practicing them in tandem will help you save more on your summer utilities.
  • Adjust sprinklers to hit only green areas, not sidewalks and pavement.  If there’s a persistent dry spot, water it by hand.
  • Insulate trees and plants with a layer of mulch to prevent drying.
  • Direct gutters to lower-lying landscape beds or into a bucket for watering.
  • Plant native drought-tolerant trees and shrubs in your yard to increase shade and reduce the amount you need to water.
  • Install a rain sensor on your irrigation controller to avoid unnecessary watering.
  • Check the exterior of your home for areas where air could be leaking out.  Places like the ac unit connections, expansion joints, and caulking around windows are all common places this can occur.
  • Create a shaded area for your AC unit with bushes or artificial shade such as awnings.  If the unit is located in open sun, it will not perform efficiently in high outdoor temperatures.


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